Friday, February 23, 2007

Chocolate.... Anyway you want..


There are few foods that people feel as passionate about -- a passion that goes beyond a love for the "sweetness" of most candies

But basically, Chocolate is a psychoactive food.

It is made from the seeds of the tropical cacao tree, Theobroma cacao. The cacao tree was named by the 17th century Swedish naturalist, Linnaeus. The Greek term theobroma means literally "food of the gods".

Cacao beans were used by the Aztecs to prepare a hot, frothy beverage with stimulant and restorative properties. Chocolate itself was reserved for warriors, nobility and priests. The Aztecs esteemed its reputed ability to confer wisdom and vitality. Taken fermented as a drink, chocolate was also used in religious ceremonies. The sacred concoction was associated with Xochiquetzal, the goddess of fertility. Emperor Montezuma allegedly drank 50 goblets a day. Aztec taxation was levied in cacao beans. 100 cacao beans could buy a slave. 12 cacao beans bought the services of courtesan.

Chocolate has also been called the food of the devil; but the theological basis of this claim is obscure.

It is the solid and fat combination, sweetened with sugar and other ingredients, that is made into chocolate bars and which is today commonly referred to as chocolate. It can also be made into drinks (called cocoa and hot chocolate). It is also a common ingredient in many kinds of confections such as chocolate candy, ice cream, cookies, cakes, pies, chocolate mousse, and other desserts. It is one of the more popular (or at least recognizable) flavours in the world.

Chocolate and Dogs

While the pathetic begging look that goes across the face of a dog wanting chocolate can weaken the most stoic dog owner, stay firm. Do not give in. Ever. Once dogs have tasted chocolate, they want more. And for dogs, that's a bad thing.

You might disagree, thinking back to a time when you noticed a dog enjoying a tidbit of chocolate with no deleterious effect. Don't be fooled.

The problem, according to veterinary experts, is that eating a speck of chocolate leads a dog to crave more. It can mean that your dog will jump at a opportunity to get any type of chocolate, not knowing that certain chocolates are more lethal than other types. Larger amounts of chocolate, particularly of the most toxic type, can bring about seizures in some dogs, and in all dogs, can kill.

Chocolate is lethal to dogs because it contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs.

Basically, white chocolate is the safest, relatively speaking because it has the least amount of theobromine.... Bottomline, just be extra careful and check your manual in regards to the amount you can give them, if you are very particular on giving them chocolate..

Now for some fantastic information ... Fourteen reasons on why chocolate is better than sex...

Do not disturb.... Chocolate fantasy in progress...

  1. You can GET chocolate
  2. Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft
  3. You can safely have chocolate while you are driving
  4. You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to
  5. You can have chocolate even in front of your mother
  6. Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called nasty names
  7. The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate
  8. You can have chocolate on top of your workbench or desk during working hours without upsetting your work mates
  9. You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped
  10. With chocolate there's no need to fake it
  11. You can have chocolate at any time of the month
  12. You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle
  13. You are never too young or too old for chocolate
  14. When you have chocolate it does not keep your neighbors awake
  15. With chocolate size doesn't matter and on top it all, it's always good
Now for some chocolate creativity at is best...
Perhaps this is why they say its passion goes beyond a love for the "sweetness" of most candies

Crapola Chocolate Poop

Virgin Airways ?

Peters Pan ?

Would make a killing selling this..

Bottomline.... Einstein was eating chocolate when he came upon the theory of relativity.

Please excuse me if any of the images causes you any offense... they are only chocolate and are not meant to be of any offensive nature.... after all its to be eaten and who cares what form chocolate comes !