Friday, June 23, 2006

Let's wait and watch

It's very difficult to function with an image base nowadays, particularly when things seemingly are on a virtual reality basis.

Maybe, the situation may take a turn for the better.

Although sounds from MTV come in now and then..

Blank as it may seem, there is an enormous amount of loose data and potential, going to waste. But where, seems to be the general question.

The stink has started permeating to the common man, but somebody has to answer for this wastage.

The answer primarily lies in the media.

Unfortunately the top level has been carried away by the media, something unthinkable.

Can't believe that decisions are made based on television reports and connections.

The Internet, also, is not totally innocent...

To put it short, when the glitter fades, we're just scared, trying to learn how to love, amid the gaudy after images.

It is not surprising that media has such an influence - Basically, because when darkness falls, we are naked, alone in our aging bodies, snuffling with fear, glaring at the phantasms of our toilet-flushed dreams, with a fistful of pills, and a TV Guide to keep us company.

Anyway, TV stations have boosted their ratings.

Young things in the media have started prancing around, enjoying their newfound status, as there is somebody to pay for it.

The biggest and scariest trend is that there is even more stimulation in our culture.

Lights, camera, action-everybody, all the time.

It's going to be good for the drug companies; at least, they're going to be the ones trying to calm us back down.

I know people who have come up with creative ways to disguise the banners, that scroll along the bottoms of their television sets. People put sticky notes on the top of revolving logos on their TV screens.

There's just too much stimulation everywhere.

There are cases when even live events have to be recorded.

What is essential here, is that these newcomers to the media are explained the basic objectives of communication

Otherwise, we would have to learn to interpret articles such as these and make sense of the reporting.

Whatever happens, hope the media is not subjected to more censorship.

Let's wait and watch… hope the images gain their divine status....